Dr Steve Jasper

Dr Steve Jasper

Dr Steve Jasper is a recognised expert in the field of jet lag and executive performance, and is passionate about transforming the conversation around jet lag. His background was as a pharmacist, where he worked mainly in the hospital system before transferring to the pharmaceutical industry. He worked on several global clinical trials, and while working in a global HIV/AIDS trial he headed up a team with branches in San Francisco, Raleigh (North Carolina, USA), Cambridge (UK), São Paulo and Buenos Aires. He undertook lots of international travel in this role, and experienced firsthand the toll of jet lag.

After completing an executive MBA, Dr Jasper completed his PhD in international management, examining the impact of jet lag on business travellers, and he is regularly contacted by the media in all matters relating to jet lag, sleep, and performance.

As a result of his research, he is launching a suite of products to support business travellers in managing their jet lag. This includes a book, an app, workshops, and one on one coaching, as well as franchising products that alleviate jet lag. He is available for speaking engagements, and can work internationally either by video conferencing, or travel if required. Please feel free to contact us at drsteve@jetlagguy.com.au if you have any questions or require additional information.